Monthly Archives: March, 2016

The Higher Life-Forms: An Exploration of Attitude Across Genera

Fair and mirthful

round and fearless

voluptuous mountains of juicy flesh caress green kindred coiffure

Slumbering, dreaming, throbbing in our

square plastic palace

Waiting for rain that blooms into lips, teeth

a new afterlife in Earth’s supple womb.

Artemis cat with strawberries

The strawberries poke cold and wet on the tip of her nose

(the nose itself, it should be noted, is also cold and wet)

The strawberries nod as if dimly reminiscing upon a time

when a feline like herself punctured one of their kin

A tasteless error, but one that spewed

crimson juice, a stream, perhaps a scream

nearly imperceptible beneath the wind.

This table is just the perfect size

for her to plant herself and watch the proceedings with her nose

The rustling of bags, the laboring of pantry shelves


if she is voluptuous like a strawberry

or a beautiful woman

her mind is too beautiful to know.

Inn Marin adolescent girl angry

A martian crater

I fill it with cosmic flakes

squeeze in a fat-free precipitation of atmospheric milk.

Like meteors, the strawberries pass

the star gate of my clear-cut knife

and fall in slender shreds upon

this strange new planet

where my spaceship has landed

at this delicate time

to seal in optimum flavor


behind closed lips

painted strawberry red.

The photos in this post were both taken by Rasputina2 on Flickr.

For more poetry and fewer recipes visit


Like Fireworks Weeping into Bloom

Snippets of sound from the half of the story that's left of stranded


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with lesser words

Underwater University

Teaching about fish in the ocean

O at the Edges

Musings on poetry, language, perception, numbers, food, and anything else that slips through the cracks.


poetry by j matthew waters

Rantings of an Amateur Chef - What works, and what doesn't!


Because bare nails are boring.


reflections on a passing life


blog of a manicure addict


Food Innovator, Recipe Sharer. My kitchen is small but mighty.

Easy Wholesome

Easy wholesome recipes

Andrew Harvard Photography

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain