French Toast Grilled Cheese

French toast grilled cheese sandwich

I tried combining the two concepts of French toast and grilled cheese into one breakfast dish one morning, and it turned out great! This is a very simple recipe, that could easily be added to or altered to suit one’s particular desires.

French Toast grilled cheese

I took the following ingredients:

  • 2 slices bread (I used pumpkin bread, any type could be used)
  • 1 egg (I actually substituted with 1/4 cup Egg Beaters)
  • a bit of milk
  • 1 slice cheese (I used Provolone)

First, I dipped the bread in the egg and cooked it over medium heat just like any French toast. Then, I placed the slice of cheese on top of one of the bread slices, and topped it with the other slice. Done!

grilled cheese French toast

This is very easy. It might be interesting to try adding avocado, tomato, or anything else that might taste good with it.

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2 responses

  1. Hi! This recipe fits people like me who have little to zero knowhow in the kitchen. I wonder what other kinds of cheese you can suggest?

    1. Well, probably any kind would work. I like sharp cheddar, especially Sargento’s Sharp Cheddar-Jack blend.

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