Orange Julius Plus Smoothie

I call this smoothie “Orange Julius Plus” because, while its creamy, decadent texture and pastel orange shade remind me of a Dairy Queen classic, I daresay my recipe is more interesting. Fresh mandarin oranges blended into a pulpy splash of pure flavor mingle marvelously with the rich luxuriance of smooth caramel Greek yogurt and the intrigue of just enough spice. Furthermore, this recipe delivers more health benefits than a shake from your typical mall milkshake shop: fresh and frozen fruit provide Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and other nutrients, while an abundance of calcium is included thanks to the almond milk and frozen Greek yogurt. Try other interesting fruit and spice combinations if you’re feeling even more adventurous – there are a whole range of possible combinations out there, each with its own unique health benefits!

*A note about the recipe: any fruit that I used frozen could be used fresh, but then ice would have to be added. This may reduce some of the delectable thickness of the texture.*

Orange Julius Plus Smoothie

serves one

pineapple mandarin orange caramel smoothie


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 2 fresh mandarin oranges, with peel and any unwanted stringy white stuff removed
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup plain almond milk
  • 4 fl oz frozen Greek yogurt, caramel flavor
  • dash of cinnamon
  • pinch of nutmeg


Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth (smoothie will still be pulpy. Enjoy the natural-ness!)

Drink very cold.

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