Italian Breakfast Casserole

In my brain, the word “casserole” has long been tied to “yuck” and “again?!” and “how many more bites of this unsavory creation do I have to eat to get dessert?” Yes, I’ve had some fights in my youth over casseroles my elders brought out of the oven. (Sorry, elders.) But now that I’ve become a healthy baker/chef, I decided to try a healthy casserole, and see if this “grown-up” food is actually worth eating. As it turns out, happily, it sure is. At least, when the casserole in question is this breakfast casserole, made with a Flat Out flatbread “crust” and nourishing eggs. To spruce things up, I tossed in some shredded cheese, peppered Tofurkey, sun dried tomatoes, collard greens, and artichoke hearts. This breakfast casserole is easy to make and high in protein, fiber, and other vitamins and nutrients. Enjoy!

Italian Breakfast Casserole

Based on recipe from

makes 4-6 servings

breakfast casserole Italian with Flat Out collard greens, Tofurkey, sun dried tomato, artichoke hearts, cheese


  • 1 Flat Out brand Light Original Flatbread (the Italian style flatbread would also have been great)
  • 1/2 cup raw, washed collard greens
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese (I used 365 brand organic shredded Mild Cheddar and Monterey Jack)
  • 1 slice Peppered Tofurkey
  • 3 tbl sun dried tomatoes (I used Bella Sun Luici brand)
  • 1-2 Cara Mia brand marinated artichoke hearts
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • salt and pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit. Spray a 9” loaf pan with nonstick spray. (I didn’t have a casserole dish available!)

Rip the Flat Out flatbread into squarish pieces. Arrange on bottom of the loaf pan, covering all spaces.

Sprinkle collard greens, sun dried tomatoes, and cheese over flatbread. Rip one slice of Tofurkey into little pieces, and sprinkle that on as well.

In a small bowl, beat together the eggs, milk, and salt and pepper to taste. Pour into loaf pan over other ingredients.

Pull the artichoke heart(s) into pieces and sprinkle on top.

Bake in prepared oven for 30 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean. Serve warm. I suggest adding a dollop of pesto sauce for even more flavor.

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