Cheese Omelette

This is simply going to be instructions on how to make an omelette. I used to think it was a complicated, hard thing to do, until I tried it and it worked perfectly!

Cheese Omelette


  • cooking spray (I used PAM)
  • two eggs
  • 1-2 slices cheese (I used Swiss; you could also use shredded cheese)


Spray a small pan with cooking spray. Crack two eggs into a small bowl. Discard eggshells and beat eggs vigorously with a fork until they are mixed together and are just basically a pool of yellow liquid.

Heat the pan on the stove to medium. Pour the eggs onto the pan and let them sit for a while until they start to get white on the edges. Then, use a spatula to push the white edges inward, and lift the pan at an angle so the liquidy egg fills in the space on the edges. Repeat this every time the outside of the omelette gets cooked.

When there’s still a little bit of liquid but the eggs are mostly cooked, place the slice of cheese on the omelette, towards the left side. (This is assuming you’re right-handed, like me.) With one hand, hold the handle of the pan to keep it steady, with the other hand slide the spatula under the eggs on the cheese-less side and flip it so it’s over the cheese side, like folding a card. (Backwards:) ) Give the omelette a few more moments to cook so the cheese can melt.

Now, slide your spatula under the omelette and lift it off the pan. Put it on a plate and enjoy warm.

I had this omelette for breakfast Saturday morning, along with this delicious smoothie:

Craveable Caramel Banana Berry Smoothie

Bon appetite!

2 responses

  1. That’s a professional looking omelette. I’d like to eat it.

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