Tropical Tart Smoothie with Coconut and Almonds

The summer must be my favorite time of year. One of the great things about summer is that so many people have extra time to spend on the beach. There are an abundance of runners, bikers, yogis, etcetera exercising and enjoying the warm weather by the sea.

I was just running today on the sidewalk near the beach, and suddenly noticed I had stepped over a row of small cones. This would not have perturbed me too much, but then I heard someone yelling, “Go Kim! You can do it! You’re almost there!” A red-faced woman in a lime-green running tank top was jogging towards me. I realized I was running across the finish line of some kind of beach marathon: in the wrong direction. I had just crossed a chalk scrawling of the words “FINISH LINE,” which were upside down from my view. I was now hurtling towards a crowd of runner-ups to Kim. I felt like everyone: the spectators, the announcer, the marathoners – everyone was staring at me. It’s the most embarrassed I’ve felt for a long time, maybe even since middle school.

But as my mom pointed out to me later, it was perfect material for a blog post.

It also inspired me to make this refreshing smoothie: the lime yogurt was the perfect color to match Kim’s tank top. The fresh, fruity flavors are an embodiment of what summer is all about. And the coconuts and almonds – both “nuts” by extension – express how nutty I felt when I unwittingly crossed some marathon’s finish line, running the opposite direction.

Is it corny to base a smoothie off of the experiences I had today? I don’t think so; there’s no corn in the smoothie.

Tropical Tart Smoothie with Coconut and Almonds

lime pineapple blueberry coconut almond smoothie


  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
  • 1/2 cup Silk brand original coconut milk
  • 1 Dannon Oikos brand Key Lime flavor Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbl Crofter’s brand Morello Cherry jam
  • 1 small ice cube
  • 1 tbl sweetened coconut flakes
  • 1 tbl sliced almonds


Place all ingredients except coconut and almonds in blender. Blend for a couple of minutes or until smooth. Add the coconut and almonds and blend for another couple seconds, or you could simply add them as a topping.

Enjoy this nutty tart paradise! But don’t be a “nut” – cross the finish line forwards!

tart almond coconut smoothie with lime, blueberry, pineapple

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One response

  1. The smoothie didn’t turn out green, though. Maybe it was the color of someone else’s blouse.

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