Sweet Breakfast Brown Rice

sweet brown rice with bluberries, pineapple, raisins, coconut

I’ve been wanting to go someplace exotic lately. I’ve seen all these pictures and nature documentaries about Africa, India, Australia, and other places where there are great wildlife habitats and all kinds of amazing sights to see. Majestic elephants traversing a lush jungle, or endangered tigers stalking prey, or obscure marsupials interacting with their habitat in funny ways… it all appeals to me. Although probably if I was really in some exotic forest or whatnot and spotted a lurking puma or charging rhinoceros, I suspect I’d be terrified for my life. And there’s always the problem of mosquitoes out in the jungle – ouch! For now I guess I’m content with just watching nature documentaries within the mosquito-free confines of my urban home.

Even in the city, it’s possible to sight intent felines ambushing prey for a battle of life and limb. For example, this morning after running I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of such an epic struggle of nature. I spotted one of the neighborhood outdoor cats sneaking across the grass, pupils becoming black slits focused on an unsuspecting mourning dove minding its own business on the curb. The cat’s tail went wild as if it had just been stuck in an electric socket. Then came the attack: the cat launched across the Savannah (I mean, patch of well-trimmed grass) and pounced at the bird. This time, the mourning dove got away, feathers all aflutter. Next time, the lion (I mean kittycat) will be ready.

Watching the neighborhood wildlife is fun and interesting. We city-dwellers don’t often think about the fact that even we are living amongst wild animals, who go about their instinctive behaviors almost as if we aren’t around. While the neighborhood cats may crave raw birds for breakfast, I usually prefer some oatmeal. Or in today’s case, to switch things up a little, some brown rice sweetened with agave syrup. Like a wild cat, breakfast can be interesting and unpredictable.

This brown rice was sweet and delicious. I added pineapple, coconut, and fresh berries to celebrate the wonderful summer produce that is currently available. On a whim, I also decided to throw in some raisins – not really a summer fruit in particular, but they definitely added something to the flavor of the rice. As for the health benefits, brown rice is nutritious because of the fiber and low glycemic index. The fruits I added provide more fiber, as well as other vitamins and minerals. This rice is an interesting alternative to oatmeal, and allows your tastebuds to venture to a tropical island even if the most exotic animal in your backyard is the American shorthair cat.

Sweet Breakfast Brown Rice

makes one serving

blueberry pineapple coconut raisin brown rice


  • 1/4 cup dry brown rice
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 tbl organic light agave syrup
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 tbl raisins
  • a few pieces of dried pineapple chunks
  • 1 tbl sweetened shredded coconut


Soak the rice in water for 15 minutes to remove excess starch. Then, place rice and water in large saucepan. Heat to high temperature, stirring occasionally, until water is boiling. After a minute or so, turn heat down to medium. Place lid on the saucepan and let the rice cook for 10-15 minutes or until it soaks up all the water.

Pour rice into desired bowl for serving. Add agave and dried fruit and coconut. Mix. Let cool for a few minutes, and then serve!

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2 responses

  1. Don’t tell the cat it wasn’t actually the savannah. He wouldn’t believe you.

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