Tag Archives: healthy carrot cake recipe

Hearty Pumpkin Cake Bars

pumpkin bar cake carrot coconut pecan cranberry raisin

Yesterday I experienced a little post-Halloween horror. Pumpkins were involved.

It was late afternoon, and the sky was overcast, lending a dim grayness to the inside of our abode. Hearing an unfamiliar voice emitting from the back of the house, I wandered towards it, inexplicably drawn to the obnoxious sound.

It was emanating from my younger brother’s computer. On the screen was a virtual diner, where only one customer was seated at the bar. My brother gleefully informed me that that plump, squat, orange-faced customer was “The Hungry Pumpkin.”

hungry pumpkin

The object of the game was to serve him what he demanded. He didn’t bother with politeness. If he drawled, in his strange mix-up of Bostonian and Midwestern dialects, “give me the salt,” and you instead presented him with the eggs or the soda, he shoved the offending grub into the middle of next week and barked, “no! I don’t want that,” before repeating his command. Since this game appeared to be intended for children, I wondered if the behavior of its star character was appropriate.

Hypnotized by the sheer weirdness of the game, I watched my brother play for a while. When a whole canister of salt was guzzled by the personified squash, followed by a glass of water which he easily crunched and guzzled whole, I wanted to leave. But I was paralyzed, fixed on the screen, wondering what this charismatically disgusting character would do next.


He requested the butter, in a smooth, seductive tone. When he popped the whole stick in his pie-hole, I wanted to bolt. I stayed just long enough to witness him munch a whole box of French fries, cardboard and all. Then I came to my senses and escaped, scarred for life by the image of such extreme digital gluttony.

I had to exact my revenge upon the winter squash whose memory haunted me. But how?

Let’s just say the next delicious baked good I pulled out of the oven was infused with the distinct flavor of pureed pumpkin.

coconut cranberry carrot pumpkin cake bar one ingredient yogurt frosting

Take this one piece of advice from my harrowing tale: don’t be like the hungry pumpkin, mindlessly binging on tubs of butter and cans of soda. Be mindful of your choices every day, and strike a balance between the delicious and the nutritious, so neither becomes overpowering.

To aid you in this endeavor, here’s a recipe for a lower-fat, naturally-sweetened, high-vitamin-A, whole wheat pumpkin carrot cake. With a one-ingredient yogurt icing and plenty of hearty shredded carrot, juicy dried fruit, and crunchy nuts mixed in, these little squares of heaven are tasty and healthy. You’ll need some fresh pumpkin puree for this recipe, so feel free to smash any obnoxious pumpkins who try to invade your diner.

Hearty Pumpkin Cake Bars

makes 6-12 servings

based on recipe from Allrecipes

whole wheat pumpkin carrot cranberry coconut square cake



  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • generous dash cinnamon
  • splash of nutmeg
  • splash of ginger
  • egg substitute equivalent to 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup milk of choice (I used plain almond milk)
  • 1 cup pure pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 cup organic honey
  • 2 tbs organic blue agave
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 9 oz (several big handfuls) shredded carrots
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans
  • 1/4 cup Sun Maid brand Mixed Jumbo Raisins
  • 2 tbs dried cranberries


  • 1 container Oikos brand Pumpkin Pie flavored Traditional Greek Yogurt (or other Greek pumpkin yogurt of your choice)
  • 2 tbs sweetened flaked coconut
  • 2 tbs dried cranberries


Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit. Spray a mini loaf pan generously with cooking spray (or try a 9″ square cake pan, as used in the original recipe.)

In a large bowl, combine the flours, baking powder, and spices. Mix.

Add egg substitute, milk, pumpkin puree, honey, agave, and vanilla. Mix thoroughly.

Add shredded carrots, pecans, raisins and cranberries. Stir.

Pour batter into prepared baking dish. Bake at 350 F for 17-20 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean.

Allow cake to cool. Then, spread yogurt evenly on top as a frosting. Sprinkle on coconut and cranberries.

Serve chilled.

pumpkin bar cake coconut carrot cranberry pecan

Carrot Cake Scones

carrot cake scones

I had the idea this week to make some scones that were inspired by the flavors of carrot cake. Carrot cake is something infamous for being “fattening” and high-calorie, but it has the potential to be very good for you if you think about it. First of all, it obviously contains carrots, which are high in vitamin A. Second of all, it can be paired with a cream cheese frosting for calcium and protein. (No, I did not use a cream cheese frosting for these scones, however disappointing that may be. It might be an interesting thing to try, though.) And a final reason why carrot cake has potential to be extremely good for you: Look at all the super-nutritious mix-ins that go with it! It’s common for people to add carrots and walnuts, both of which have healthy fiber. Pineapple and coconut, also popular additions to carrot cake, have fiber and vitamins as well. So why is carrot cake usually so bad for you? Probably because of all the oils and butter used in most recipes.

carrot cake scones with vanilla glaze, coconut and pineapple

These scones are extremely low in fat, with only two tablespoons of butter. They also contain whole wheat flour, and I mixed in some pineapple and coconut since those are popular carrot cake mix-ins. Nuts and raisins might be interesting to try instead. I whipped up the dough, threw the scones in the oven, drizzled with sweet vanilla glaze, and done! I had some incredibly healthy, incredibly delicious scones reminiscent of carrot cake, but miles away from any worries of all the fat and calories.

carrot cake coconut pineapple scones

When my mom first tried one of these scones, she wasn’t too impressed. Then she thought about it for a minute as I sat eating my own scone, and tasted a scone again. She said they weren’t so bad after all, and as time passed began praising my scones and saying they were actually great, recommending them to my dad! I guess the carrot flavor took her by surprise. They just needed to grow on her. Me, when I first took a bite of this scone I instantly knew it was what I had been hoping for. Just the right amount of sweetness, a soft main body, and crispy shredded carrots. Not to mention of course the addictive coconut and juicy pineapple… need I say more?

For the recipe for “carrot cake” scones, click here.

This recipe was based on “Blueberry Lemon Scones” by Dannivee.

carrot cake flavored sconesFresh-baked scones straight out of the oven taste the best… mmmm…

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