Finally! A Perfect Cookie Recipe

I’ve tried time and time again to make cookies. The only time I’ve ever really been successful was in my white chocolate strawberry cheesecake cookies, and that was already a long time ago. I kind of resigned myself to the idea that cookies in general just suck – until today, when I was alone at home, it was raining, and I suddenly had the urge to bake some cookies. Isn’t rain the perfect weather for cookie baking? I love the aromatic scent of cookies in the oven as rain splatters on the windows.

Anyway, I took a recipe from a “kid-friendly” cookbook my aunt gave me when I was about eleven, entitled Kosher By Design: Kids in the Kitchen by Susie Fishbein. I’m not exactly a kid anymore, but the recipes are good. I actually never really tried too many of them up until recently.

I adapted the recipe slightly, and it still worked out amazingly, if I do say so myself. The texture was perfect, and the taste was sweet, with all the flavors working together in harmony.

cookie healthy harmony

As soon as my family came home after I baked them, my brother told me, “it smells really good in here.” He asked me what flavor the cookies were. As soon as I said they included oatmeal and raisin, he lost interest. “Sorry I asked,” he said, and quoted Diary of a Wimpy Kid: “oatmeal raisin cookies were invented as a practical joke.” But the cookies sure had their fans: the recipe made 18 cookies, and after my family was home for about five minutes there were only 13 left. I didn’t see who took how many, but since my parents are the only possible takers, probably my dad had three and my mom had two. I wouldn’t be surprised if my dad had four and my mom had only one. At any rate, the cookies are not just a guilty pleasure: they are naturally low in calories, plus they include nutritious dried fruit and walnuts. These cookies are not for the kind of person who likes simple, uniflavor desserts. They are, however, perfect for an adventurous eater who likes delicious treats.

healthy harmony cookie texture

For the recipe, check out this page.

Healthy harmony cookies

2 responses

  1. I’m almost positive your dad had four and your mom had one.

    1. That’s not surprising. I’m glad he liked them because the record number of my baked goods he’s ever had in one sitting is 2 maximum! Let’s hope he doesn’t get too carried away…

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