Tag Archives: banana pancakes

Rocky Road Banana Pancakes

flourless banana pancakes rocky road

As a kid, I was actually kind of afraid to try Rocky Road ice cream. The name sounded a bit too rough and tough for me: I wasn’t interested in biting down on a bunch of rocks and concrete! When I found out it was actually just chocolate ice cream with marshmallows and almonds, I was much more open to the idea of it. Eventually it became one of my favorite flavors of ice cream!

Nowadays, though, I avoid buying Rocky Road ice cream. I’d love to eat it, but the marshmallows gross me out. I mean, marshmallows would be okay in themselves, but apparently they’re made with gelatin, which is made from pig fat – eeww! I’ve seen some Kosher marshmallows made with fish fat instead of pig fat, but quite frankly, I prefer my desserts sans animal fats, period. Thank you very much.

Luckily, Whole Foods sells vegan marshmallows. I have been buying a brand called Dandies, and they come in handy a lot for baking, etcetera. However, I have to hide them from my dad, who will devour them on sight like a bear in a stream full of salmon.

I suppose I could add the marshmallows and some almonds to chocolate ice cream, to create my own gelatin-free rocky road. However, today I was more in the mood for pancakes…so I made them rocky road pancakes! My concept for these flourless chocolate banana pancakes comes from EatGameLive. I have made a version of this recipe once before, in the form of banana peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes. This time, I made the pancakes deep, dark, flourless chocolate with almond slices and vegan marshmallows. The chocolate chips melt into the batter to become almost a warm, chocolatey fudge sauce. The banana flavor is present, but not overpowering, and adds sweetness to this morning indulgence.

Enjoy this voyage down the “rocky road” of delicious, fudgey, chocolatey pancakes.

Rocky Road Banana Pancakes

Makes 2 servings (about 8 small pancakes)

rocky road with banana flourless pancakes


  • 1 banana
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup Hershey’s unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tbl Barney & Co. Barney Butter brand almond butter with honey and flax
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips (I use Guittard’s brand)
  • 2 tbls sliced almonds
  • 2 large vegan marshmallows, cut or pulled into little bits (I used Dandies brand classic vanilla flavor)

Directions: Spray a skillet (preferably nonstick) generously with nonstick spray.

In a small to medium bowl, mash the banana. Add the eggs and use a fork to beat them in. Add cocoa, almond butter, and vanilla. Mix well. Batter will be lumpy and a bit thick. Stir in chocolate chips. Also stir in some of the almond slices.

Place prepared skillet over medium heat. Use a spoon to drop the batter in small circle-esque shapes onto the skillet. (You will probably need to cook about half the batter in one batch, and half the batter in a second batch.) Sprinkle some of the sliced almonds and marshmallow bits onto the surface of pancakes. Cook pancakes for about a minute, then carefully flip to cook the other side for about half a minute.

When done cooking the first batch, remove from heat and place onto serving plate. Spray the skillet again with nonstick spray. Turn on medium heat again. Drop the second batch of batter in small circles onto the skillet, and cook the same way as the first batch.

Remove from heat and get ready to embark on the rockiest road trip of your life! (Thank goodness these pancakes will not have the taste or texture of concrete) 🙂

banana flourless rocky road pancakes

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